/ evaluation of data in tables
Ausgewählte Daten aus / selected data from the Annex of THE MONTHLY HUMANITARIAN MONITOR 2012 s. auch gleitende Darstellung für die letzten 12 Monate / see also gliding representation for the last 12 months (published by the UNITED NATIONS' Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Occupied Palestinian Territory) Diagramme für 2010 / plots for 2010 und 2011 Conflict-related casualties1 Notes / Anmerkungen Note / Anmerkung: 'other' not in original tables / 'sonstige' sind nicht in Originaltabelle enthalten Note / Anmerkung: 'other' not in original tables / 'sonstige' sind nicht in Originaltabelle enthalten Number of Palestinian children killed - direct conflict Tunnel-related casualties3 Notes / Anmerkungen Source: OCHA Source: OCHA Source: United
Maine Action Service (UNMAS)
Search and Arrest Source: OCHA Palestinians under Israeli custody (occupation related)6 Notes / Anmerkungen Source: Israeli Prison Service (through B’Tselem) Demolition of Structures Notes / Anmerkungen People Displaced due to demolitions or evictions9 Notes / Anmerkungen Source: Displacement Working Group Child Protection Number of Palestinian children killed - direct conflict (see above) Number of Palestinian children held in detention by Israeli authorities (see above) Number of Palestinian children displaced by demolitions (no chart / kein Diagramm) Number of incidents resulting in the disruption of schools 19 (no chart / kein Diagramm) Source: OCHA, DWG, Defence for Children International, Israel Palestine Working Group on grave violations affecting children in armed conflict Access / Zugang Internal West Bank movement obstacles Notes / Anmerkungen Source: OCHA Access to healthcare - Gaza Notes / Anmerkungen Source: WHO Source: OCHA Die Tabelle für LKW-Ladungen wurde ab Feb. 2011 durch ein Summendiagramm ersetzt. Das folgende Diagramm wird deshalb mit OCHA-Datenbankangaben fortgeführt. The table for truckloads was discontinued in Feb. 2011 and replaced by a graph showing the sum of all truckloads. The following graph is therefore continued with data from the OCHA database. Gaza, Number of Truckloads entered by Type18 Siehe auch "LKWs nach Gaza" ab 2005. See also "Trucks into Gaza", beginning in the year 2005. Notes / Anmerkungen Source: Ministry of National Economy Monthly Indicator Notes and Clarifications